Friday, May 28, 2010

My Pencil Fish

I like the pencil fish size.. it tiny size suitable for my nano tank.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

2nd Nano Tank

Planning start 2nd Nano tank... I already standby some material : 40cm nano Tank, Aquazonic 72W T5 light, 9L ADA Amazonia II Soil & Stone from waterfall.

1) Balance Soil from 1st Tank.

2)9L ADA Amazonia II Soil.

3)9L ADA Amazonia II Soil.

4) Stone from Waterfall

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Characteristic of ADA Aqua Soil series

I have attach the Characteristic of ADA Aqua Soil series from ADA Aqua Journal

From that

Tap water
samples used in the Nature Aquarium Gallery show that it is slightly alkaline and contains little nitrogen and phosphorus.

It contains more nitrogen and organic elements that any other Aqua Soils.
Amazonia is also rich in organic acid, such as fumic acid and acetic acid.

Amazonia II
The amount of nitrogen and organic acid contained is less than that of Amazonia.
Yet, Amazonia II lowers the pH level of water easier.

Africana has a strong ability to lower the pH of water and contains nitrate nitrogen.

Because of organic acid in the soil, its ability to lower the pH level is the highest among the Aqua Soil series.

The data was taken 48 hours after adding the tap water to each soil.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Neon Tetra

I like neon tetra, because of the red and neon color match ~ best match. Even many people tell me that the Cardinal Tetra more pretty but I think I am satisfy for my current Neon Tetra.

My Neon Tetra.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Black Neon Tetra & Neon Tetra

This few days nothing to do, just tke some photos of my Neon Tetra & Black Neon Tetra.

Neon Tetra

Black Neon Tetra

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3ft T5 Light Added

This month just add a new 3ft Aquazonic T5 light. It just RM180+.
After added, I see my plant start pearling.
Yeah... this is my 1st time see my plant tank pearling.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

After 2 week CO2 tank added!

After 2 week I add the CO2 tank for my nano tank...
The plant grow a lot... especially the Java moss & Blyxa Japonia from Tenchi, both grow 2X faster.

Later will take some photo of my plant tank.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

CO2 Tanks added

Actually today I go to KW to buy the Hang on Filter motor due to filter motor burn last 2 day.
When I reach fish shop, the motor out of stock and need wait restock.

As a result, I went to other fish shop at Farlim to check CO2 tank price.
They only have 2L CO2 tank and price still acceptable so I decide to have it with solenoid regulator + bubble counter + difusser.

Now I success equip the CO2 tank, hope can help my plant grow faster.
I am still setting it up... because this is my 1st time use CO2 tank.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Papiliochromis ramirezi (荷兰凤凰短鲷)

My 1st view on this fish, I like it cute and short body.
I get the information about Papiliochromis ramirezi (荷兰凤凰短鲷)can mix with tetra fish. Besides, they also take care about their child.

SO I decided to get 2 into my aquarium. But when I step to fishshop, the seller told me they don't have any female for sales. As a result, I decided to get 2 short body one: 圆球凤凰短鲷 & 黄金圆球凤凰短鲷!

Here is my photo:

Short & Round 圆球凤凰短鲷

Yellow/ Golden SHort 黄金圆球凤凰短鲷

The yellow one always chase the dark one...T.T

Below is the information I get from web:

Etymology: Named after Manuel Vicente Ramirez.Papiliochromis ramirezi

Synonyms: Microgeophagus ramirezi, Apistogramma ramirezi

First European import: 1947, by Manuel Vicente Ramirez and Herman Blass.

Care: Densely planted tank, although there should be enough space for the fish to swim. Some holes and stones, and frequent small waterchanges. Can be kept in a community tank, although it's co-inhabitants should be peacefull fish.

Temperature: 22-26

Feeding: All food is taken.

Size: Up to 7 cm, but due to inbreeding usually smaller.

pH: 6.0-7.5

Breeding: Free-layer, the eggs are usually laid on stones. Neutral to slightly acidic water, hardness below 8 dGH but preferably softer. Tank minimum 40*25*25, slightly aerated or with a sponge-filter. Water temperature in the higher regions, 26-30. Combined with frequent water-changes and live food the fish will spawn, and lay up to 500 eggs. If it's not the intention to raise all the fry it's best to leave the parents in the tank, although they may eat the eggs or the fry if they are disturbed. Sometimes the first spawn(s) are eaten by the parents, but later spawns will usually be raised properly. It has been reported that non matching pairs will always eat their eggs, so to get a proper pair it may be best to buy a small school of 6 juveniles and wait for the fish to form a pair. If the eggs are removed and raised separately, the fish can and will usually spawn again in two weeks.

Sexual dimorphism: Male have an elongated finray in the dorsal fin, females have a pinkish stomach.